Abbreviation: Ene

Enevoldsen,J.: Sound the bells, O moon, arise and Shine 1969 Peshawar: University Book Agency.. PASHTO/ENG*

Below you will find a list of all proverb types referenced in this collection. Note that some or all of the original proverb texts are not available in the database.

11 ⋆ Jumala antaa lehmän, mutta ei sarvista kuljettaen @ ( ⋆ God gives daily bread to every one, but you have - at least - to cough (translation Pashto)

36 ⋆ Meidän jälkeemme vedenpaisumus! ( ⋆ When I am no longer, this world ought to be no longer (translation Pashto)

17 ⋆ Ojasta allikkoon ( ⋆ I took shelter from the rain and spent the night under a water pipe (translation Pashto)

18 ⋆ Kun on huono onni, niin koira puree kamelilla ajajaa @ +( ⋆ I was bitten by dogs while sitting on the back of a camel (translation, Pushtu/Afganistan)

15 ⋆ Sammakko tahtoo olla härän kaltainen - halkeaa @ (

26 ⋆ Ei siitä meri vähene, jos koira laidalta latkii @ ( ⋆ A river is not polluted by the mouth of a dog (translation Pashto)

22 ⋆ Ei ole panemista pukkia kaalimaan vahdiksi ( ⋆ They tied the donkey beside a heap of grain and told him not to eat from it (translation Pashto)

19b ⋆ Suotuisissa oloissa vesi virtaa ylämäkeen (

24 ⋆ Se kissaa kiittää, jolla ei muuta eläintä ole ( ⋆ He who has not tasted the fruit of Kabul consideres wild sloes delicious (translation Pashto)

21 ⋆ Elää koira yhden talon, kuolee koira kahden kodon ⋆ A dog who belongs to seven houses is always hungry (translation Pashto)

27 ⋆ Kyynärpää on lähellä - et pure sitä @ ( ⋆ What has the mouth to do with the elbow? (translation Pashto)

11 ⋆ Omat maat makuisimmat, omat metsät mieluisimmat

13 ⋆ Ei väkisin vävyksi, ylenmielin ystäväksi @ ( ⋆ Community is not created by force (translation Pashto)

21 ⋆ Enempi saa kärpäsiä siirapilla kuin tervalla ⋆ If you can kill man with sugar, why use poison? (translation Pashto)

29g ⋆ Tylsä veitsi tyhmän miehen, terävä tekevän ase ( ⋆ When the harvester is in no mood to start work he will sharpen his sickle with a clod of earth (translation Pashto)

10 ⋆ Kysyen kylän löytää ( ⋆ A man may reach India by asking (translation Pashto)

11 ⋆ Kynttilän alapuolella on pimeää ( ⋆ There is always darkness beneath the lamp (translation Pashto)

30 ⋆ Ei syöttiläs tiedä, mitä elätti vinkuu @ ( ⋆ Someone said to the prince: There is a famine and people are dying from starvation. He replied: Why don't they eat rice and butter? (translation Pashto)

11 ⋆ Joka työntää kätensä joka koloon, sitä käärme pistää ⋆ Don't put your hand in every hole, or a snake may bite you (translation Pashto)